Gary Simpson is a Certified Teacher with The Ontario College of Teachers and a Long Term Occasional Teacher with the Toronto District School Board. Gary has over 15 years of experience in the educational system with expertise in engaging youths that are disengaged and marginalized within their schools and the broader community. Gary not only has the academic approach to addressing the grievances young people have that may manifest into criminal behavior and violence, he also has lived experience with the "street life". Gary has used his experience and educational background to initiate and develop programs to help empower young people to find alternative avenues to express themselves in a positive way, and develop healthy relationships in their immediate circles. Some of the programs Gary has helped construct and administer are Hip Hop and Literacy, Boys without Fathers, and a program helping young people who were incarcerated successfully reintegrate into the school system and their neighborhoods. He is not only restricted to the school setting but also has extensive experience in community outreach with an emphasis on bringing key stakeholders together that are interested in reducing violence in their community. Gary advocates for communities to unite and share resources to create organic approaches and methods which will result in safer spaces in their neighborhoods.